MiCi Law

Do onto other (individual to individual, i for i, i 4 i, 1 2 1).
this law puts the person free and the society at large.
The most technical/advanced society has to accept a harder hit.

Tolerance in this environment of ever increasing complexity in order to stimulate the diversity required with a universal language that doesn't end in silence? And how to provide routes for individual escape (no waiting; sustenance, knowledge, and routes) against the binding forces. Societies cost.

Or you get the Polyswurley! Speed Run =>

This can only be a law if it can exist with all valid theories, because proper laws cannot be broken even when attempted.
Geometry =>
Math Proofessor! =>

Sow? I see, you want details

factorials include shifts from center and many joined magnitudes, depending on the complexity one could consider the outside, inside, or intercept.

Take a look at this library of wikiFactorials.

why this is always so beautiful; and finding the other why this is always so beautiful; and finding the other

) >

That's motion, driving improbability within perception safely, the hunt for balance and how to help the most people with hope

> Between monitors and brain > the art of render science > probability guesswork > spin > spin on spins to n
> between motion and brain > spin > spin on spins to n

How to invert it to consider smaller > and playing with inversions > motion > health to > all > find inversion
return to 1

A Void Or Rift Law

Shimmering, glimmering, dark semi-transparent with the normal of life. Are we comprised of void particles when space is the solid?

The Beautifully Slow Unzip

The inverted standard model isn't the upside down beauty that seems to handle, it's the best predictor of mathematics. Inverting the model doesn't change math, it inverts tongues. In this case the tongues of language is for our direction of physical space. A container contains everything outside of it, to think outside the box.

That's the core of the particle duality that relate what we learn to appreciate through repetition leaving margin for distinctions. Hopefully, exercising your mind by inverting the tongue helps free you of the walls that govern our imagination brought on through the limits of words.

The purpose of this isn't to change the standard model -- this is a perspective. Consider the virtually inverted standard model. Here a particle is a (void, rift), and waves, matter.


i feel u, similarity

So how would I mentally imagine being in the singularity? Simplify, the right approach no limits, why would we ever stop getting better?

It starts with getting lost in optics and refraction, tuning that to satisfaction, eventually it dribbles into perception. Entanglement seems to slip data beyond reason, let's brush on that. If a squeeze on two dissimilar colors enables a hue and a flow.

NuCognition => (plays well with NuMUG =>)

To make a (void, rift) larger energy focused on the rifts presses outward, matter. Focus provides many methods to get that accomplished.

Higher ordered areas like classic empty space is very organized with few (void, rifts), chaotic places like stars or planets core would be rift and energy rich. Then density variables select core locations, center of mass for example is influenced by the volume of dependent variables including observers and RF.

Strong Force, Weak Force, Electromagnetism are three levels of measurement for rift size changes, influencing the speed of order (light) in the steady organization of rifts vibrating in quantum foam. Quantum foam could be considered finite measurable formations of (void, rifts) in the vibrations of matter.

Waving From A Fair? Or only waves within our mine of time. It's incredibly important to consider word inversions for balancing forces. Collapsing a rift causes a rift eventually once entropy balances. Perhaps the balance of forces suggest a (void, rift) collapse causes a rift elsewhere relating to quantum tunneling, or maybe that's the change of definition with time. The farther the distance the more unlikely the (void, rift) jump like shifting blocks in this sliding puzzle.

Aqua Sign Language; Fusion

Hold out your enclosed hand. Triggering fusion loosens your grip and extends fingers for an instant like cavitation it collapses and when it does it probably won't fall back into the same exact initial form. The spinning barb.


Aqua Sign Language; Fission

Hold out your enclosed hand. Triggering fission lets your grip slip and collapses inward bending fingers inward, taking much less energy to lubricate the system, transferring energy (allowing, causing, ?) space order The turning force.

More Aqua Sign Language? =>

Hairball Gravity? (necessary with other explanations?)

Imagine a hairball in classic space, without the rest of the universe. It’s loose yet interconnected somewhat randomly. There could be two types of gravity. One gravity would be the pull from one particle of the hairball across the entire hairball. The second would be the actual attachments of particles. If the hairball represents the loosening threads of space-time then maybe that’s the difference between quantum types of gravity and classical gravity?

Consider a sprite anchorage methods of wharfing up all the warp drive vector force of a mad hatter to sylvester approach? Sense wind resistance, gliding around a corner feeling the balance point such that you never felt the turn yet did the work. =>

I love all, and I'm not trying to track views to this page, I won't know you for now at least so keep that in mind.
The everything else, thank you so much!
I'd like to know how many are momentarily or better, thinking like this. And get some water, MEOW!

Math Proofessor! =>

In the dark of poly_wanna Law =>

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