MiCi Aqua; Void Gravity, the shadow piece of wheel spoke.

Cohesion => Wavelength Coalescence
Relativity => Void Mentality
Projection; Geometry => ABEC Loop
Gravity and EM => Wet Packet
Photonic Review => Visual Aid
Black Body Radiation => Boltzmann
Black Well Unison => Rifting Well
Instant Inversified => Quantum Gravity
Photonic Fusion => Photonic Sim City
Dark Radiance => Gravitational Projection
Dark Vortex => To Cosmic String
Terminator => AC Chip
Mental Fun => Flex
Quarky => Bulb Idea
Gluonic => Bilge Pump

MiCi Summary

Cohesion; Wavelength Coalescence explores how wave mechanics and particles interact dynamically, like gears in a machine. This section introduces the idea of summable effects on particles and how subtle phase shifts allow the system to perform work.

Relativity Solid space & void particulars.

Projection; Geometry is a draft document interconnecting dimensions including time. MiCi Chroma; similar to Lattice Quantum Chromodynamics.

Gravity and EM looks to build a foundation for the bridge between gravity and electromagnetism. An adventure of magnitudes of ratios creating strong/weak atomic forces.

Photonic Review examines light-matter interactions, with a focus on Maxwell's equations. It also introduces the concept of the Bosonic Pad of Oil, which acts as a buffer for phase transitions and helps align waves seamlessly.

Black Body Radiation, Aqua Tenebrosas, entropy within the system, the measure of total chaos within the waves. Of radiation thresholds of systems that should in theory be very absorptive, Actual radiance observed in the transition between states. To sense the gradients of emission dependent on the structures form, maps of types of blur or sharpen to fit within definition. Functions that define the realm of possibilities within a quantum state of measure, the fabled convolution math function, that's a bridge to foyer wave transforms and FFWT, some mass effects dependent on constants.

Black Well Unison is work towards the exploration of harnessing and distributing the gravitational forces of a black hole. Something that may be easier to achieve than working towards a Dyson sphere. The Unison is the coordination required to gravitationally blur and extract energy in a way that balances with gravity. It is a roadmap for existence long after stars wink out.

Instant Inversified is the explanation of the complexity in applying relativity to quantum mechanics. Why it would require the universe to stop reacting in order to gather all data to process computational probability with certainty.

Photonic Fusion considers photonic bosons to be one of the most fundamental components for existence.

Dark Radiance extends our understanding of gravitational projection, proposing the idea of Spacetime as a Phase Tolerance Buffer. This concept suggests that spacetime waves offer subtle shifts that allow particles and waves to synchronize, shaping the dynamics of the universe.

Dark Vortex describes photonic energy temporarily lost in the folds of gravity, described by pacing to and fro directional tensors in Riemann curvature. Our understanding and improvements in Riemann curvature mathematics, combined with observational sensors, are already improving GPS systems. Once those photons escape the folds of gravity then cosmic strings become very easy to understand.

Terminator Chips were how we mapped to common in alternating current driven hard drive systems. This is why it's important to remember the movie in case you're ever building your own hard drive without a DC supply.

Mental Fun are some earlier works that are rooted in thought provoking notions. Like comparing the Great Firewall between China and the USA to the falx cerebri, the fold between two hemispheres of internet hive mind applicable to the speed of data recollection and automatic programmed reactions.

Quarky Bulb Idea; aims to explain the role of quarks within fermions. To bring light to what seems relevant a little deeper into the quantum spectral waves. Also, the introduction to the link to gluons and their mutual chorus of harmony.

Gluonic Bilge Pump; a simile for paired cohesive forces upon bands of wavelengths. The vascular tubes that balance harmony among the quarks.

Please video players, and other websites, trial a mode or option to let videos draw the frame to prevent stretch or hiding, it's clearest; enhancing peoples vision and for cameras tuned towards pixel perfection.

Mici & Szuki @ Oli'Bar

A triangle plainer theorem

Mici with Jim, the unique computer that played chess against Los Alamos employees -- No d(i/e/ie)sions! MANIAC I

What if you consider the virtually inverted standard model. Here a particle is a void. To make a void larger space might be pressed outward or moved around. The energy required to enlarge the space outward makes sense, so why not move things around to get it accomplished. wikiAugusta H. Teller
We sing about the space between the waves! Avoid in the Virtually Inverted Standard Model!

So you'd like to diffuse a dark gravity well? =>