Special Relativity; A moment of Void Mentality

Consider this an inverted standard model where past and history are packed into now nullifying velocity. Then contrast towards normal throughout.

When excluding the speed of light to ignore time computation, once general is flattened to special. If each void of spherical energy presses outwards within a spacetime of near perfect singularity, then those two voids no matter the distance are pressed towards one another due to the alleviation.

That is why I like to imagine that we are the speed of light pressing outward and gravity is the ratio of spherical alleviations. To compute the probable changes over distance and time then general relativity is required for those additions.

To conclude back to normal, distance and time are required to get the physics of normal, general relativity. In order for there to be history, future, and reactions. Reactions are the acceleration events in the pathing of least resistance. Reminds me of my mechanics classes where an engine wants to go beyond redline and everything behind the wheel is trying to counter balance. Isn't that the right approach to regression to general relativity when transforms have identified mathematical singularities?

General Relativity; Nucleon & Maxwell

Nucleon; Alternating Cohesive (AC) Accelerators

Think of the nucleon as a system where waveform trades create pockets of cohesion and anti-cohesion. This alternating balance allows forces within the nucleon to engage in a delicate exchange of time for distance, much like the AC waveforms in particle accelerators. The result is a dynamic stability, preventing cohesive decay by maintaining the overall structure of the nucleon.

Bosons; The Bilge Pumps

Within the spirit of what might have sparked above. Consider gluons the bosonic flowing tubes (vascular array) that conduct work where quarks might be the ports. The nucleon a balance of bilge pressure to cohesive compression.

Fermions; The Organizing Lattice

Consider quarks the fermion organization lattice, they would reflect some wavelengths out, absorb some energy to work like a polarizing lens within their lattice, and with reverb sorting the remainder. Routing wavelengths to gluonic pumps that accelerate the energy either throughout the nucleon or back towards the quarks further processing wavelengths. The nucleon a balance of bilge pressure to universal cohesive compression balanced in functions of harmony.

Electromagnetism (EM) effects Outward

The gluons (bilge pumps) might prevent the EM from sinking to center in nucleons. If a slice through center of a sphere is similar to a wheel with EM radiating out like wheel spokes, then gravity is the shadow between the wheel spokes.

	  	Here's the image that visualizes the abstract concepts of special and general relativity. It features interconnected spheres, representing voids in spacetime with energy pressing outward, and a cosmic background hinting at the bending of spacetime. The faint shadows between the wheel-like spokes symbolize gravity, blending scientific precision with a touch of abstract art.
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